Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the questions you might have regarding Home for Fiction might have an answer below. If not, feel free to email me – suggestions, requests, thanks, and criticism are more than welcome – but common sense applies: If you're sending the same email to thousands of people, beginning with "dear webmaster" or "to whom it may concern", there's a high chance I won't even bother reading it.

I'd like to tell you how to improve your seo/ranking/blah blah blah…

No, just no. You'll be automatically blocked if you send such an email. Not interested.

Can I email you my book to take a look at and give me your opinion?

No. I simply don't have time and prefer to read books I've picked myself.

I'm a publicist/publisher/pr person and my client has a new book, would you like to review it in exchange for…

Absolutely not interested.

I found a typo/error/problem, can I email you to tell you about it?

Absolutely. Criticism or error correction is always welcome.

Can I submit a guest post for the blog?

Let's get this out of the way: If you are doing this in a professional capacity – say, on behalf of a client who would like their page or product to be linked to – not only is my answer "no", but I will very probably block your email address. I am categorically not interested in sponsored posts.

If you don't fit the above description and would like to submit a guest post for consideration, feel free to email me and let me know, but please understand I'm extremely picky. There's an overwhelming chance I'll say "no". Still, keep in mind the following short guidelines to save us both some time:

I sent you an email but you never replied

There's an overwhelming chance this has happened because you either tried to sell me something or wanted to pay your way into the blog. The same might happen if I suspect you turned me into a target for a mass emailing campaign (the "dear webmaster" paradigm I described above).

Still, I'm not infallible. Perhaps I blocked your address accidentally. If that's the case, feel free to email me from a different address and let me know.

I have another kind of relevant business proposition, can I tell you about it?

As long as it's not about either wanting money for a service (not interested in anything you're selling) or wanting to pay your way into the blog (e.g. for a sponsored post), you can try. But show me you're an actual person, interested in my work in particular.

Are you interested in collaborating?

If you'd like to work together on something (involving writing, music, etc.), feel free to email me and ask.

Could I hire you to help with my text and/or writing?

If you have a novel, a short story, or a script, and you'd like some editing work – or if you'd like coaching on a more general level – feel free to email me, describing in as much detail as you can your goals and budget. I can then let you know if we'd be a good fit.