Academic Research
On this page you can find a list of my academic publications, presentations, and other academic achievements.
- “Reconfiguring the Garden of Eden: Suspended Temporality in Jim Jarmusch’s Only Lovers Left Alive”. The Eternal Return: Myth Updating In Contemporary Literature. Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics. 40.2 (2017): 123-134
- “Time is Everything with Him”: The Concept of the Eternal Now in Nineteenth-Century Gothic. Doctoral Dissertation. Tampere, Finland: Tampere University Press, 2017.
- “Philosophical Idealism and Vision in Bram Stoker’s Dracula: Photographs, Sight, and Remote Viewing as Tools of Reality Rendering”.Word and Image: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches. Tampere, Finland: Tampere University Press, 2014.
- Savolainen, Matti & Angelis, Christos. “The ‘New World’ Gothic Monster: Spatio-Temporal Ambiguities, Male Bonding, and Nation in John Richardson’s Wacousta”. Savolainen, Matti & Mehtonen, Päivi (ed & intr.).Gothic Topographies - Language, Nation Building and Race. Farnham, UK: Ashgate Publishing, 2013
- The Immor(t)al Monstrosities of the Victorian Gothic: Temporality and Otherness in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. MA Thesis. University of Tampere, 2010.
- “Gothic and Science-Fiction in the 21st Century: Zombies, Conceptual Monsters, and Vengeful Singularity”. “The Far Side of English” Conference (03-04.05.2016, University of Tampere).
- “Temporal Distortions in the Gothic: The ‘Eternal Now’ as a Mechanism of Synthesis and Redefinition in Bram Stoker’s Dracula”. “Gothic and Uncanny Explorations” Conference (10-12.09.2014, Karlstad University).
- The Ambiguous Borders and Morphing Spaces of a New Nation: Gothic Liminalities in John Richardson’s Wacousta”. “Travelling Narratives: Modernity and the Spatial Imaginary” Conference (29.11-01.12.2013, University of Zurich).
- ‘To live in a new house would kill me’: Perception, Reality, and the Ambiguous Space-Time of the Castle in Bram Stoker’s Dracula”. “Topographies of Popular Culture” Conference. (25-26.10.2013, University of Tampere).
- “The ‘New World’ Gothic Monster: Spatio-Temporal Ambiguities, Male Bonding, and Nation in John Richardson’s Wacousta”. Neuvotteluja Tilojen Merkityksistä”- seminar. (23.11.2012, University of Tampere).
- ‘Time is Everything with Him’: Temporality and Otherness in the Victorian Gothic”. Doctoral Programme in Language Studies 2012-2013. (15.11, 2012, University of Tampere).
- Oriental Temporality and Otherness in Bram Stoker’s Dracula”. “Eastern Threats in English-language Narratives” Workshop. (FINSSE-6, 18-20.10, 2012, Joensuu).
- “The Omnijective Realities of Gothic Space-Time”. “Neuvotteluja Tilojen Merkityksistä”- seminar, Tampereen Yliopisto, 14.10.2011.
- Between the Realistic and the Fantastic: Timelessness and the Eternal Present in Bram Stoker’s Dracula”. FINFAR-tutkijatapaaminen 15.-16.7 (FINCONN 2010, Jyväskylä).
- “Immor(t)al Monstrosities: Temporal Manipulation and Morality in the Victorian Gothic”. Work-in-Progress/Pro Gradu Thesis Seminar. Tampereen Yliopisto, 27.03.2009.
Conferences Organized:
- “The Bright Side of English”. (08.12.2016, University of Tampere)
- “The Far Side of English: New Gothic and Science-Fiction Monsters”. (03-04.05.2016, University of Tampere
Courses Taught:
- ENGS48-50: Gothic Fiction: Time, Meaning, and Reality 5 ECTS. (Periods III & IV, 2015-2016, University of Tampere)
- ENGS6-13: Gothic Fiction: Time, Meaning, and Reality 5 ECTS. (Periods I & II, 2014-2015, University of Tampere)